Killing two birds with one stone
Here is how I would plan user research for a product, a fictitious local weather forecast. This was part of the course I’m taking part in the Interaction Design Foundation here. My…
Here is how I would plan user research for a product, a fictitious local weather forecast. This was part of the course I’m taking part in the Interaction Design Foundation here. My…
Zehn Lösungen für Designer und Entrepreneure. Mein untentbehrlicher Werkzeugkasten für kreative Arbeit, Finanzen und Selbstmanagement
In our last hackathon we created a service for DYI makers. Time was to short to build a prototype. So I made some homework and made this step.
I wanted to build a clickable prototype with the ability to test it on users. It was a frustrating experience for me. Here is how I dealt with it
Welche Unternehmen werden das Rennen machen und sich im Markt durchsetzen? Wie haben sich dabei die Kommunikationsregeln verändert? Eine Kolumne
Here is my view of our hackathon weekend we participated as a team of UX beginners.
Ich starte diesen Blog, um meinen persönlichen Lernfortschritt als angehender UX Designer zu dokumentieren.